Yes, I’m Still Here, Thank You For Asking!

Howdy Weekenders,

I’m fresh off my first extra day off since January, so I decided it was a good time for an update. I’ve receive a multitude of messages asking what’s going on with me. The comments and questions ranged from, are you done traveling?, why did you stop posting?, did something happen?, You should post more!, and Do you plan to travel and post again in the future? First off, thank you for the concern! Second, this year has been a wild ride to say the least.

So when I returned from my weeklong vacation in San Diego in January, I started the hunt for a new home. With the pandemic I had put the search on the back burner for a couple years, but with that in the rear view it was go time. Dealing with unknowns of the home purchase process was quite the ordeal. But at the same time my day job was picking up with me being volunteered to help prepare the new property for opening. After about a month, I closed on my home. I then planned out some time off to do the moving process and to take some time to travel somewhere, but plans are always changing. Right when things were slowing down at the new property, I interviewed for a new position at my day job and got it. So now I needed to finish off my old position and prepare for my new one. So long story short, I’ve been in my new position for three months now and I’m enjoying it very much. Now that I’m settled in my home and comfortable in my new job, it’s time for the adventures to continue!

Author: Garrick