Greeting Weekenders! So here we are about six months into a global pandemic which is now making a huge impact on the United States. I have been mostly quiet during this pandemic because my day job is dependent on large amounts of people gathering in an enclosed location and spending large amounts of disposable income. So you can see why I’ve been curled up in the fetal position wishing that this Covid ordeal was just a bad dream. However two closures of my day job have passed and I’m still standing. My day job requires employees to be tested for Covid every two weeks, so seven tests so far and each have been negative.
My travels and adventures have screeched to a halt with the current climate and I can’t realistically see the continuation of said travels and adventures anytime soon. About a dozen of my spring/summer activities canceled so far. But let’s go back to how the year started when I thought great travel and adventure would follow as the year continued. I remember being on the Norwegian Escape shortly before my birthday in January looking out at the sunrise over the Caribbean Sea and thinking that this is just the beginning to a great year of travel and adventure.
Yet life is unpredictable and nature is a cruel mistress, so we must recognize the situation we have encountered. I’m not going to lecture anyone on Covid here, even though I find myself doing that at my day job often. We all know what Covid is at this point, so wash your hands and wear your mask. The overall effects of Covid on daily life and travel will exist for a considerable amount of the future. So where do we go from here?
Travel and adventure will resume, however the nature of such has changed. Travel by air, sea, and rail will be very different, I foresee myself doing more road trips in the future. I will try to go to smaller places and find some of the hidden gems. More camping and exploring of wide open spaces. My travels tend to be of the solo variety or small groups under four people. So here’s to life and enjoying it responsibly!